Ms. Paulina Phlong » ClassDojo


This year, we will be utilizing ClassDojo to stay connected with families, share classroom moments, and much more. Please join to stay connected!
New to ClassDojo?
  1. Download the ClassDojo app
  2. Open app and tap 'Parent' to create a parent account
  3. Enter name, email & create a password
  4. Tap ‘Add child (+) and use the code provided for you
Already have a Parent Account on ClassDojo?
  1. Open the ClassDojo app on your phone
  2. Log in as a Parent (if you aren’t already). Ensure you’re logged in as a Parent, not a Student or Teacher!
  3. Tap the 'Kids monster' at the bottom of your screen and then tap 'Add child'
  4. Add child using the code provided for you